Sunday, March 20, 2011

Actions > Words...Right?

Every girl loves compliments. We love it when guys we are dating or crushing on are cutesy with us. Girls eat that stuff up. We want to feel special. I am no different, I'll admit it.

However, after dating several guys who would pack on the compliments & the cutesy stuff heavy and from the start...who ended up several weeks later, basically cutting me down with their comments and forgetting they ever thought I was "beautiful," "amazing," "the perfect girl," "exactly what I've been waiting for"... I decided that what I wanted was a guy to be real with me. To not think of me as this special girl to be put on a pedestal [because I kept falling every time I was placed there].  I didn't want anymore cutesy "baby" crap after every sentence uttered to me. No, I wanted to be seen as an equal.

Well ladies & gentlemen, I have finally gotten my wish!

The downside to my wish that I didn't realize when I made it: All that cutesy crap helped me to identify that a guy was into me. Without it I have been struggling to know whether or not a guy is into me.  It's not so clear when you are treated like an equal.  Now it is all about him showing me, demonstrating to me that he cares.  And since I see the good in people, I tend to believe he does these sorts of things for everyone in his life that he doesn't hate. What can I say, sometimes L.G. is a complicated woman!

I'm not saying that cutesy stuff isn't uttered...but it isn't the constant bombardment of those words anymore.  Which in my head [somehow] translates now to: << He only likes me sometimes.>>

Although it has caused more complications...more speculation, I think I might be on the right track.  As we all know, actions speak louder than words.  Often times words are simply the thing we say to get what we want. Actions are what we do to prove, to explain, to declare our true feelings. 

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