While I have yet to establish my teaching career, I am certain that there were a few students that I actually was able to make a difference in their life.
During my second placement (perhaps my first placement had been a huge rough draft when it came to connecting with students), I know I made a difference. I know that the 7th graders in my class really liked me (maybe not 100%, but I'd say 95% without a doubt!).
One of my students told me about how upset she had been the last few weeks because her sister, a person she considered to be one of her best friends, had moved out of the house. She hadn't spoken to her sister in weeks and had found, via Facebook that her sister was in a new relationship and apparently doing well for her self. She was devastated. She told me she had a stomach ache every day because she was so upset over the loss of her sister's companionship and feared she'd never come home and that their relationship would never be like it was before.
One of my male students took to me instantly. He had been having some trouble in school, academically, but appeared to be starting to flourish just as I arrived. While he didn't go from a 70 to a 90, he did however come to class every morning with a happy demeanor, as though he was just happy with himself and how he was doing. Other teachers could tell he definitely took to me and was interested in class now that I was there.
There were other instances that I could reminisce about, demonstrating that I achieved Goal #2 of my 24th year, but the one that speaks volumes was a letter I received from one female student on my last day. It read:
"You are awesome. Now I actually care about Social Studies! You teach in a special way that really lets me understand. You aren't too strict, or too laid back. You are as close to perfect as any student teacher I have ever had the pleasure to meet. THANK YOU!" :)
I think that's palpable.
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