I'm L.G.
I've always admired strong, resourceful women. Lorelai Gilmore, Paula Treckel, and Scarlett O'Hara for example. I've always admired women who think about their lives and express their thoughts eloquently. Think Carrie Bradshaw, Taylor Swift, and Elizabeth Gilbert.
I started writing this blog after my very own Mr. Big (known as Maj in this blog) broke off our engagement. I needed somewhere to ponder, explore, and discover what I was really thinking anymore. I had always enjoyed writing, but tended to ignore my hobby when I was going through a tumultuous time in my life.
This time, I decided that maybe I really did need an outlet in order to deal with what had just happened to me and what I had been part of making happen. Since, I have been trying to understand everything in my life, my past, and the world around me.
Some of these entries are almost letters to Maj and others in my life. Letters I'll never send. Thoughts I'll never share with them.
But this writing isn't just for me. It isn't just my escape. My friends love reading what I have to write because it makes sense. They say that it helps them to clarify what they see and what they want in their own lives here at this crazy 20-something time. They see the humor, they see the tears, they feel the emotions, and they see my personality in my entries.
"You’re you and when you write, I can hear your voice and the intonation of your voice and the 'realness' of your stories….It never sounds like you’re trying to be someone you’re not or that what you write isn’t real. It all sounds true to yourself.”- Carina
[That said, if you do chose to use quotes or ideas from my blog, all I ask is that you shoot a link in my direction.]
My hope is that through my journey, you'll start yours as well. Or that through reading my entries you'll come to understand your own thoughts and feelings better. I like to feel needed in that way. Hopefully, this blog will be a little chicken soup for your soul, if you will. Guilty pleasure full of advice and life musings.
And for the record...some names are changed. Some aren't. You can figure it out.
Discovery. Comfort. Laughter. Friendship. Love. Adventure.