There comes a point in every woman's life where she comes to accept some very real and true cold hard facts about herself. This morning, I accepted one very cold hard fact about myself: I am no longer in college and therefore can no longer drink like I am in college.
Yes, I am a woman. I am no longer that cute 22 year old Senior who can go out Wednesday night for $1 Long Islands, Thursday night for 25cent drafts, and dance on the speakers on Friday and Saturday night at Sportsgarden. Nope, it's official. I am old and I have to learn to drink as though I am old.
Last night I went out with a sister from college and one of her co-workers. We talked the big game about how we three Yankees were going to spend our first big night out in Atlanta looking to charm a new Southern gentlemen. We were just going to be ourselves; what Southern man couldn't resist our blunt Northern "charm?"
Needlesstosay there were very few gentlemen who were charmed by our Yankee-ness. Or perhaps the mixing of beer, liquor, and jello shots created a night that I can not fully recall. Regardless of the male company we kept or lacked, last night was a very fun night with two women who I am glad live near me in the South. Us Yankees need to stick together sometimes and I stumbled upon a very fun night.
So cold hard facts. When you're nearing 25, it's all right that you can no longer mix your alcohol like you are 21. And it's also right to go out and just be you...even if at the end of the night you're going home with your girlfriends.
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