I'm a big fan of brown glass bottles. I'm also a big fan of frosted glasses. Hello, I'm Lorelai and I'm a cold beer drinker.
For me, one of the most satisfying things in this world is a nice cold, great tasting beer. I know I'm not the only one who thinks so. Ben Franklin, yea the historical guy who is found on $100 bill, said: "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." Ben's right on this one (the turkey being the national bird of the country...eh not-so-much)! Hundreds of songs have been written about the tasty liquid and enjoying it in a bar, honky-tonk, and tailgate.
I shouldn't have to try to convince you that beer is amazing and by far the best version of alcohol in the univserse. The calories are what make it taste so freakin' good! So enjoy them! And don't order a light beer. That's like ordering a piece of birthday cake...without the frosting. Sad.
During my 8 weeks at boot camp, I craved beer like no other in this world. And its not that I wanted to get loaded...I just wanted that smooth, lovely hops & barley concoction on my lips. In fact, I don't use beer to get loaded. Maybe in my youthful, undergrad days, but definitely not now in my sophisticated graduate days. I think beer should be valued.
Did you know the reason beer is so popular in the more Northern European countries (ie: England, Germany, Denmark) is this thing called The Little Ice Age that happened between the 11th and 12th centuries? They had orginially been more into wine, but the Little Ice Age happened and they no longer had a climate suitable to sustain a large grape crop that wine required. So, they turned to what still would grow in colder temperatures; sturdy and hearty hops, barley, & wheat.
That being said, I am not a beer connoisseur. In fact, I know very little about the creation of, the differences in, and the quality of beer. What I do know is all from trying out different beers and finding the ones I like. And I am a very loyal beer drinker. I know what I like. I know what I don't. But I am willing to try something new if someone recommends I try it...or it has an interesting name or label. Going to resturants that have micro-brews is one of my favorite things. (Huske Hardware & The Mash House in Fayetteville, NC have a fantastic selection of micro-brews for the record.)
My favorites: Molson Canadian, Yuengling Traditional Lager, and Sam Adams Cherry Wheat.
I would love to visit the brewery in Montreal for Molson. Yes, that is one of the things on my to-see list.
So, this Saturday, I'm going to go hang out with the boys, watch some college football at the bar and drink a few ice cold beers. Yes sir, I'm a cold beer drinker.
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