Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I find solace, inspiration, and my true emotions in music. The lyrics, the beat, the tempo, the instruments, the voice.  Certain songs pull on my heartstrings the way nothing else can. (Hence the "troubadours" part of the blog.) 

Less than a week ago I drove down to Georgia for a concert.  Now normally this wouldn't be a big deal, going to a concert. However, this concert, I HAD to go. I was attempting to find peace and happiness, while attempting not to feel heartache and sadness. I stumbled upon the answer, or what I thought was the answer, after class.  I was online and happened to go on the Luke Bryan website. There it was! My ticket to happiness-- 4 concerts in Georgia around the very same time I planned to visit my cousin in Atlanta.  DONE DEAL. I bought the ticket for the Thursday night concert in Carrollton, a town I had never been to before in my life, packed up my car, and made the estimated trip of 15hours 22minutes in 14hours.

Luke Bryan entered the stage around 9:30pm.  It was amazing. He came out fire blazing. The entire night was one of the most amazing experiences of my life.  I felt alive again. I felt invigorated.  I felt like ME.  I felt whole.
Since the concert I have become more thoroughly obsessed with this country star. I haven't felt this way since I was in 5th grade, my room plastered with Backstreet Boys posters and fan club merchandise.  I was gushing and blushing as I retold Thursday nights events to Carina.  She laughed and said I was smitten. It was true! I was absolutely smitten with this image of Luke Bryan- his words, his smile, his boots, his jeans, his voice.  I guess its probably a more safer rebound relationship!

I think what I'm so smitten with is his way wording everything and the way it spoke to me in my desperate hour. I've seen him in concert before, which was amazing as well, but not in the way in which  it was this past Thursday. His last concert, the one I drove 14hours to see, was akin to a religious experience for me.  I felt passion, life, and contentment flowing through my veins. I felt safe, as though I could find protection from his lyrics of wisdom.

Yes, I realize how goofy all this sounds, and I promise I am a sane woman.  However, to take my smitten-ness further Carina and I have decided to become religious followers of Luke Bryan, calling ourselves Bryanites. We plan to make a statue in his likeness, take a pilgrimage to see him and hear his word, and celebrate him and his mantras with feast days. To add to the silliness I have organized some Bryanite mantras, in case you readers are interested in following the new found religious order.

1. Rain makes corn. Corn makes whiskey.
2. Wish this high noon Georgia sun could melt what's been done, make it disappear.
3. There's only one thing you can do. Don't worry about nothing. Let it go see what tomorrow brings. Don't worry about nothing. Pray about everything.
4. You're like a early morning Monday, bringing me down, messing with my mood.
5. Some folks aren't happy the way they are. Some just wanna take things just a little too far. I am just what I am. I'm just what you see. So I'll make it easy, I'll stay me.
6. You need hands, rough not soft, to come and warm you up in that cold hayloft. Let me hold you little darling, in my big strong arms, can't get these kind of muscles anywhere but a farm.
7. Love is blind. Fate don't care.
8. All I know is we went out and done it up right.
9.  Well I worked all week, so I could come here, and have a nice cold beer. But 1 turned to 10 and 10 turned to 20, and 20 plus an empty bottle is too damn many.
10. I ain't got a clue what went down, so I started calling around. And all my friends say...

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