Let me first preface this entry by saying that I enjoy reality TV shows. I am a big fan of The Bachelor/Bachelorette on ABC.
I am however not a fan of Jersey Shore. Why? I hate the subliminal messages I think that it sends to those who watch it, particularly those ranging from 13-20 years old who are at the height of their insecurities and desperately feel the need to fit in and fit into a mold.
Please explain to me why it is acceptable that these 20 something Americans think it is perfectly acceptable to get drunk, hit on whatever is dressed in next to nothing, bring her home, get it in there, and then make her leave? While I understand that this happens in the real world, why are we broadcasting it on TV? Are we just being honest with ourselves? Do we value this sort of entertainment in our personal lives? Are those that are watching the show wish that deep down inside themselves that this is what they were like? Are young men looking for pick up tips? Pretty sure that's a yes.
Moreover, I feel that young men and women are getting the idea that this sort of behavior and treatment is the norm, making it acceptable to be treated like a common whore, without the payment. And young women definitely shouldn't be coaxed into thinking this should be the sort of treatment to be expected by the opposite sex.
Why do women think they should dress like that to get attention either? And why should I be made to feel like a prude because I refuse to dress scandalously? I like my parts covered up, thanks. I'm not free, or a bargain. I know for a fact that it is already starting to seep into the dating world.
Sentiments as expressed by Carina who dates in NYC: The wonderful specimens on Jersey Shore certainly do no help my cause at finding decency among men. But why are there women so desperate to sleep with one of those assholes, who basically just needs a hole to get it in, regardless of the quality of said hole! The women who would allow themselves to get into bed with those disgusting men ON CAMERA, thus validating their horrific treatment of women, should never be allowed to have sex again!
As an educator I am definitely worried about the psychological messages it sends to my young female students. I try to provide them with examples of strong, impressive women who have done amazing things in history...but who cares about that when they can get a guy by showing their goodies. It's much easier to get a guy that way, isn't it? Who wants to be strong and impress men with their mind when showing off the goods takes minimal effort and has instant results?
And for my male students, it sends the message that it is acceptable to treat women in a degrading manner. Why should they treat her with decency when she doesn't even respect herself based on her behavior and dress?
So MTV, if you could cancel Jersey Shore, you'd really be helping out the youth of America. It might actually improve the dating scene. Maybe you can get funding through No Child Left Behind or some other government initiative? It would be a humanitarian effort for sure.
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