I have always seemed to be a little bit more on the melancholy side of happiness. Maybe it is the perfectionist in me that knows my life is far from perfect feeling deep sadness. I'm not really sure.
What I am sure is that I lost two men from my brother flight (265) from BMT within a week. Both men, committed suicide.
I've never known anyone to commit suicide before. Now I know two. We have these events called "Safety Down Days" where we are forced to watch videos telling us to watch for signs within our fellow airmen who might be contemplating ending their lives. They all advise us to have them speak with a Chaplin...but the joke is that, once they do, they'll want to commit suicide even more because they'll be getting a discharge.
I don't know what was happening with Green & Alvarez that the both felt that ending their lives was the answer. I don't know why they felt that this could be the answer. I don't know that they really vocalized these feelings to anyone from back home or at their duty stations.
What I do know is that I feel a great sense of loss. Loss of two wonderful young men who were doing something very meaningful with their life, yet still felt an emptiness inside that couldn't be silenced. They were heroes, didn't they know that?!?! Wasn't there anyone they could have talked to in order to convince them that this wasn't the answer? They were doing a great thing for themselves and their family...and now their families must mourn the loss of their young sons.
I wish that they would have found solace here on earth....
R.I.P. Airman Green
R.I.P. Airman Alvarez
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