Sunday, October 31, 2010

Football Issues

I love football. I live it; I breathe it; I would marry it if at all possible. Men just don't understand how I could be so obsessed with a sport. Sometimes, well most of the time, I take it way too seriously. 

Which I think is part of my problem.  I tend to be into football much more than my boyfriends.  It bothers them, this they've admitted. Why? Not so sure.  Maybe they are intimidated by little 5'1" me loving football and knowing more than they might about the sport, when they are supposed to be the man and be able to act like they know it all, even though they don't really follow the sport...? Just speculation. No definitive answers have arisen. 

Moreover, my obsessive love of football can put me in quite a disgruntled mood. I'm a Buffalo Bills fan, and if you've heard rumors this year...they are 0-6. Awful, just awfully heartbreaking for me. So when someone calls me right after the game to heckle me, or say something bad about the Bills, you can imagine I am far from friendly.

Guys don't understand that it is really serious for me. When they laugh about the game and how disappointing it was (all while laughing) they don't understand that they're a digging their own grave. They have instantly lost points with me; especially since as I answer the phone say, "I don't want to talk about the game yet, I'm still processing the outcome." YET, they insist on talking about the game, saying how disappointing it was. Not that they talk specific plays or, they just talk about the scoreboard. 

 ....I thought I said I was still processing and didn't want to talk about it yet....

And for the record, I don't just want to talk about the scoreboard. Yes, it matters, but if you know anything about football you'd man up and talk about plays, players, and calls. Not just the pretty, colorful numbers that any idiot can analyze. 

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