Friday, October 29, 2010

Ideal Man

When you're single you are told two pieces of advice:
1. Figure out what you really want in a man and don't settle for less.
2. No one is going to fit your ideal mold.

Uhhh, so what is a single gal really supposed to do? Those two doctrines contradict themselves. This isn't religion here. So what is the easy answer here about how I am supposed to go about single life?

Regardless, I know what I want in my ideal man...who probably does not exist. Here he is:
  • I'm thinking brown hair and brown eyes. That's typically what I am attracted to.
  • Tall. I like guys that are about 6 feet despite the fact that I only reach 5'1".
  • He has to make me laugh...a lot. He has to laugh at my jokes and sarcastic comments, too.
  • He has to be interesting. Have ideas. Have goals. Have opinions.
  • He must listen to country music. I've come to realize that vastly different musical tastes can make car rides unenjoyable when you just have anything interesting to really talk about. Doesn't have to only be interested in country, just have it be one of the listened to genres.
  • He works out. Not a juice head or anything, but a guy who enjoys being active and tries to lead a healthy lifestyle. He must be able to do more push ups than me in 60 seconds as well. 
  • He won't make me watch scary movies. He won't try to scare me. I don't like creepy, scary TV shows or movies. If he can respect that, we will get along.
  • He has that rugged, country, military, all-American look and attitude; that certain je ne sais quoi about him that is hard to put into words or describe fully. But when you see it, you know he's got it.
  • He likes to travel and see new places, have new experiences. I'm all for hanging out and watching a movie on a Saturday night at home, but he has to want to see and learn new things in his life. I'm talking continental US & Europe here.
  • He has to understand himself. He has to be comfortable with who he is. He has to be proud of himself and his accomplishments.  If he doesn't like something about himself, then he has to be cognizant about that and work towards changing it.
  • He has to be my cheerleader too. I'm all for cheering someone on, but it needs to be reciprocated.
  • He has to know what is going on in the world. I'm not asking for a politico or a stringent  advocate of something, just have a good idea of what social, economic, political, and military events are happening in the world and be able to talk about what he thinks about them. 
  • He has to be close to his family. If there are issues there I want him to acknowledge them, not hide from them. He has to be his own man though and not depend on his family's ideals as a crutch.
  • Have a good job. I don't have credentials of what a "good job" really means, but he has to be responsible. 
  • Does he have to like football?? Good question. I'm not sure yet.  Does he have to have been in a fraternity in college? Another good question. Hmmm. Be a beer drinker? Yes.

  • Look like this? YES!                             

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