Apparently there are only 5 key things to making a man fall in love with you.
1. Share an activity
2. Cheer him on
3. Let him be himself
4. Tell him what you think
5. Give him his space
Now the full article can be found at:
1. Cooking, going to the gym, hiking, etc. I've tried to do these things with previous boyfriends. They didn't want to do something new with me. I've asked. I've tried. They want me to cook for them. They don't want to be part of the process. They don't want to go to the gym with me, because that means they have to wait for me to finish with my cardio and weights. I've never been able to work towards a common goal with any of these guys I've been with.
2. Cheer him on? I used to go to almost every single game my ex boyfriend played. I encouraged Maj before he went to Soldier of the Month Board. I knew he could do it, and I told him so. I love telling the guys I'm dating what I think they look good in, because then they will wear it more [which is a good thing for me, right?].
3. I have never tried to change a man. In fact I told Maj's mother that I do not take on projects. I don't want to change you. I don't want you to change me. I want to accept you for who you are, and I want you to accept me for who I am [your typical, type A, organized, anal, personality, that likes to plan things days in advance].
4. You're not a mind reader. Neither am I. Got it. Please don't read my mind...its better that way!
5. Space. Ok, I got it. But at what point do you draw the line on space? This is the one I have the most issue with. I have had boyfriends who wanted to attach themselves at my hip and it drove me crazy. I had others where I wouldn't hear from them for days, which drove me crazy. How much space is space? How much space is signaling that "He's just not that into you?"
I really have no conclusion that I have been able to reach and share with you on this one. I am conflicted. It only take 5 things? Really?!?
If it only takes these 5 things to make him fall in love with you, then how many secrets are there to get him to notice you, date you, and become your boyfriend?
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