I turn 24 in a few days. New Years Eve to be exact. So since I'll be turning one year shy of my mid-life crisis, I feel like I should have some amazing before I turn 25. I don't know if they are amazing but these are my goals for my birthday.
1. Rock my student teaching semester. Conquer it. Learn. Become a better teacher.
2. Make a palpable difference in a student's life. [off my Before I'm 30 blog list]
3. Spoil my nephew and little cousins. [off my Before I'm 30 blog list]
4. Take way too many pictures. [off my Before I'm 30 blog list]
5. Reseach. [off my Before I'm 30 blog list]
6. Finish my novel that I just started to really work on.
7. Apply! Apply! Apply! for teaching jobs & land one! :-)
8. Try to be less needy. [Although I am the world's most affectionate creature, akin to a golden retriever or a barnacle]
9. Take more me time to devote to things I love, like reading and my other guilty pleasures.
10. Treat my mom to something really fabulous. [Not sure what yet, but something awesome. She deserves it.]
11. Cook/bake at least 10 new recipes that I have in my recipe scrapbook.
12. Do at least one random act of kindness each week. Shoot for day, but at the minimum it should be week.
13. Try to let my friends talk to me about their issues. Don't always feel like I need to dominate the conversation with my concerns.
14. Become a better listener. Stop interrupting people when they are speaking.
15. Gain a more professional demeanor.
16. Read at least 5 new historical works. Read at least 5 chick lit/books-for-me.
17. Try 24 new beers, rather than the old standbys.
18. Keep my room organized. Consistently.
19. Reduce spending money for beverages and shakes at coffee shops or the gym to once a month. This will be a treat only!
20. Keep my car cleaner. Inside and outside.
21. Gain more confidence in myself in every aspect of my life. It couldn't hurt.
22. See Luke, Lady A, and Dierks in concert.
23. Trust my gut.
24. Bring my 1.5mile time down from 13:30 to 12:00.
In Teacher College we're told that if a student verbalizes their goals to at least one person they are more likely to accomplish these goals. Here I am, verbalizing my goals to my readers. Better hold me accountable!
I'll Hold you too it missy!