Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Art of PR

So I have come to the conclusion that Facebook, for some people, is a Public Relations stunt. 

It is a forum for where they get to post these amazing things about themselves and their lives.  A place where they have their very own brag book of "Look at me! Look at me! Look at me!" A place where the other siblings attempt to scream out for the world to notice them since being overshadowed by the youngest (or oldest) sibling for their whole life.

These PR stunts are not constricted to boastful statuses and photos. No, the emo, wrist cutting statuses are screaming out the same PR agenda to the Facebook world.

Some of these Facebookers write disparaging comments about thier significant others. No one wants to read about how your boyfriend went out tonight and that you're pissed when he wasn't home when you were. No one really cares about that sort of drama, except for other girls, who do the same thing. The fact is, the rest of us are judging you. I get it, you need to vent. That's what a text or phone call to a bestie is for.

I'm not saying don't put stuff out there for the world to see. Most of you I'm sure can think of someone on your friends list who you wish would stop posting __________. It's the excessiveness of their use of Facebook for PR purposes that irritates me.

They put their foot forward of who they want the virtual world to see them as. However, it might be in stark contrast to who they are in the real world.  Just be real. It will seriously do the world a lot more good.

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