Thursday, December 23, 2010


Catharsis is seriously the best feeling in the world. The feeling of just letting all of a certain type of emotion drain out of your body is an amazing feeling. It's relief, pure joy, happiness, sadness, and tension relief all rolled into one moment [or series of moments]. 

In many cases, its an act of letting go.  Letting go of the past. Letting go of anger. Letting go of something you have no power to change.  It's release. 

Sometimes it takes the form of ripping up old photographs. Other times its burning love letters.  Recently it was deleted someone from my phone and all the photographs of us from Facebook.

It might seem like such a small and perhaps even petty act in the grand scheme of things but there is something that shouldn't be messed with when it comes to emotions. You feel the way you feel, and there are times when it makes you feel good to be a little petty.  Especially when it comes to an ex.

It was a cathartic act. It was release. You shouldn't begrudge me for that; for wanting to let go of the past in order to be emotionally free for the future.

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