Thursday, January 13, 2011

Baby, What's Your Sign?

Well yesterday I was a Capricorn. Today, I am a Sagittarius. I know two Sag' mom & brother. Nope, sorry, we're aren't anything alike.  I am a true Capricorn all the way.

 Now, when I was a teenager I was very into astrology. I mean, I didn't have rain dances or anything like that in my backyard, but when I found out about the traits that made up my sign, I felt like I understood myself for the first time.  It has really only been recently that I have come back to try to understand myself.

While I still identify with my Capricorn-ish traits, I know that I have developed into a different woman.  Yes, I am still ambitious and disciplined, however sometimes my practicality and prudence are thrown out the window. I realized in college that I only get to live once and I want to live it up whatever way I can! 

Patient- ha, not even close. I have never been patient. I have become more patient as I have gotten older, but even now...I am far from describing myself as a patient person. That would just be lying. Careful...hmmm, again, I've started to embrace life. You'd think as I get older I would get more cautious...I think just the opposite is happening with me though. Humorous- I certainly try to be. I love humor. I love to laugh. 

Reserved, yes I still am. I've come to the point where I am more outgoing and less shy when I first meet people, however, sometimes, if I am out with a big group and I only know one or two people, I can certainly be classified as reserved. Or if I am out with a couple friends and one has a very big, boisterous, and outgoing personality, I tend to shy away and consume myself within my own thoughts.  I fade into the background. I am still quite pessimistic. I always assume the worst is going to happen. But I have tried to change that outlook in somethings. I'm starting to believe that I have simply worked so hard these last few years on creating my "future" life that its just gotta happen!

And it's true I love history, antiques, duties and responsibilities, unconditional love, & new books. I hate, just like my sign says untidiness and disorder, surprises, loneliness, and being made to feel useless and incompetent.

Well whatever my sign is...this is who I am. And really, that's all that matters.

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