Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Fresh Start

Ah yes, its January.  And that means I have been avoiding the gym for the past week due to the fact that so many people make it their New Years Resolution to get back into shape, get healthier...which means my machine is constantly occupied.

However, I went back today, and it made me think about how wonderful it is to have a fresh start.  A fresh start to me, means whipping the slate clean. Erasing the mistakes you've made; perhaps some nasty things that you've done or said; learning from the past and vowing not do have a do over.

The great thing about fresh starts...they don't only come around once a year. They can come around whenever you deem them necessary for you to have a happy, full life. 

Fresh starts can come around on January 1.  They can occur after a messy-breakup-healing process is complete. A fresh start can begin on Tuesday...simply because you weren't ready on Monday.  It can happen when you move to a new city.  When you start a new job. When you attend a new school.

Possibilities of when a fresh start can occur are endless. And I think that is what is so refreshing about them.  There is no "date" they have to occur.  They can happen simply because you've decided you need a fresh start. 

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