Ahhh The Bachelor. My guilty pleasure of every week. Yes, it is drama filled. Yes, those are not dates you would ever take in real life. Yes, it is very hyped up. Yes, Chris Harrison gets annoying when he announces that "this is the last rose this evening."
But, I love this show.
Why? Because when I watch this show, I feel less desperate about my own love life. I have yet to apply to abc.com to be the next Bachelorette. [However, if I do reach a desperation point in my life, I will totally, without shame, nominate myself to be on that show!] I do not throw myself at men the way some of the women do on that show. I do not cry over him kissing another girl if we aren't exclusive. I don't pick cat fights.
However, I sympathize with these women. I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve, which makes it all the more capable of being broken or hurt. I can't help it, I've tried to change that about myself, but it is who I am, so there. But I see that part of me in many of these women who genuinely appear to be on the show for a chance to win a man's heart.
Most people, want to find love. They want to feel connected to another person. While the show is certainly dramatized and romance is hyped to the max, there is something real about the emotions that run rampant on the show, that make it [at least to me] interesting to watch and be a part of.
Oh, and it certainly doesn't hurt that all the Bachelors that have been on the show have had smokin' bodies. A little eye candy on a Monday night never hurt nobody!
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