So one of my more private resolutions that I have for this year is about trying to act less like a girl. I didn't share it with you, because I didn't share some of my other resolutions [like making my bed every morning, etc]. However, I told my friend Sean about the resolution and he thinks I should stay the way I am. Which is why I am now writing about it. Why I need to act less like a girl in 2011.
This is what I mean. Girls tend to over analyze everything! We see something posted on Facebook and we call up our friends to have them help us dissect what it could possibly mean about our bf, the guy we're seeing, an ex, etc. Same goes for text messages and voice mails. How many times have you had a friend listen to a voicemail left by a guy or forwarded a text sent by the man in question just to get another viewpoint on what must really be going on behind closed doors [aka: in his head]?!?!
I have done it way too many times to count. Way too many times to be ashamed of. And this year, I just want to take most of what a guy says to me at face value and how I take it at first glance. Do I see what he says as flirting and joking around with me? Yes? Ok, good, no need to get all the girls on the phone to see what their take is. They don't know him, his humor, or the humor that we share together.
This is not to say I will not talk to my friends about the guy I am seeing. No, I'm simply referring to stop being such a girl by dissecting every word that is exchanged.
The second part of being a girl is thinking that I need constant day-to-day communication with the guy I'm seeing. Is this really necessary? Do I really care what he is up to? I mean, to an extent yea, of course, but at the same time I don't really need to know that he is having a boring day at work. Do I wanna hear about him remodeling his house? Sure! At least that gives me an insight into him and his personality when he talks about how he envisions the final product that he's created.
Moreover, does he really need to hear about how I recently, seriously cleaned the crap out of my house? How I organized every surface and every piece of paper in my possession? No, not really. I'd just rather have him come over and see my final product. I mean we aren't married here; he doesn't need to know every detail of my life and I don't need to know every detail of his.
The third part is to not stress over that guy I'm seeing. This right here is not my strong point- EVER. As my best guy friend, Nate, has pointed out over the years, I'm just not content unless I'm worrying about something. Unfortunately he is right. I don't let things just flow and run their course. Instead, I will construct a dam to stop them from happening, I will place sandbags on the river bank so there is no flood, and I will quickly, fervently dig a tributary so that things go my way. That's just the way I am. I chalk it up to being a typical Type A personality.
So this year, I'm trying to release. I'm trying not to control. I'm trying to be chill. Trying. I'm not perfect at it, but I'm putting effort into it. I'm trying to let things go slow. For them to evolve as naturally as they can [I do put some effort into this, but for the most part I am relinquishing all my control freak tendencies].
Hopefully, after all this effort I'll get my birthday wish...
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