Sunday, September 26, 2010

3 Capital Letters

When you have been in a serious relationship for quite some time, the world of singledom can seem like a fun place to be again.  You go from having one option, to having as many as you'd like.  However, being out of the single world, can also put you in a dangerous position once you reintroduce yourself to that world.

I went down to my old college town this past weekend to visit one of my very best friends who is now a senior.  As per our tradition, we headed down to MSG to play some pool and dance on the speakers. MSG was not as crowded as I fondly remember it being, however we managed to have a good time and meet some new guys. 

One guy, Josh from Pitt Greensburg, was particularly attentive towards me for the evening.  He was a blond, good looking Business-majoring junior from the Pittsburgh area who liked to work out. Josh was funny, making goofy faces as he would tell his jokes.  We talked for awhile before I convinced him to join me out on the dance floor. 

As MSG closed, Josh asked me for my number.

Alisha and I made our way back to her apartment for the night.  After we had arrived I received a text from Josh, asking me where I was staying.  I replied and then he texted back, "You DTF?"

I wasn't sure what I had just read. DTF. I looked at Alisha and asked her whether or not she knew what that meant.  She said she didn't but could probably take a stab at it. 

I answered Josh, questioning what the acronym stood for.  "You know what it means." "Shut up. Get down here." Needlesstosay, I declined the so-eloquently made offer. 

Had there been a change in the booty call text repertoire? I had only been in a serious relationship for a year; had it all changed so much?  No more were the ways of asking to hook up with actual words.  Rather, the booty call had been reduced to 3 capital letters in a text message. 

According to a few friends it has been referenced in Jersey Shore. If this is the way singledom has evolved in the last year, maybe I should get a cat and learn to knit on the weekends. 

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