Friday, September 24, 2010

Dating vs. dating

Sometimes, I'm afraid that the male species is de-evolving.  Maybe there is something that the water is messing with in the XY (or is it XX) chromosome that make modern men a bit more challenged than previous generations. 

My friends and I have had countless discussions on men's phobia and misinterpretation of "dating."  Now, to clarify just exactly the jargon used to discuss relationships with men:

a date- one singular event, in which the male should take it upon himself to cover. This is particularly important if it is one of the first in a series of dates.

to date- to go on planned outings

dating- 1. to go on multiple dates with a singular person. 2. to go on multiple dates with multiple people. 3. to not be in a serious committed relationship with a singular person.

Dating- to be in a serious or committed relationship in which you only go on dates with one person, and that person only goes on dates with you.

Relationship- to be in a serious or committed relationship in which you only go on dates with one person, and that person only goes on dates with you.

To clarify, "hanging out," "talking to," and late night texts or meetings at bars do not qualify as a date. 

Maybe now there won't be so much confusion. Or at least, we women can only hope!

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