Monday, September 6, 2010

Fat Talk Free Week

In college I was in an amazing sorority. Not only do I qualify it as amazing because of the women who were part of my chapter, but nationally it was awe-inspiring with its dedicated commitment to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital & women's body image.

As a woman, I look at myself constantly in the mirror.  I can tell that in the early morning, right after I get out of bed, I am at my skinniest. I look sexy, slim, trim, and every other great 4-lettered word.  I can tell if I'm looking bloated or have gained water weight, even when the scale won't tell me so. I have had boyfriends tell me that I should eat more and that they can't tell the difference on my body if I have eaten during the day or if I have abstained from food particles passing through my mouth today. 

But I need to treat my body better. I need to give it food. My body is beautiful. It is strong. My calves and ankles let me wear my sexy red high heels (inspired by Kellie Pickler's song) with confidence.  My body lets me run- sometimes with a little difficulty.  My arms are strong and help me lift things that guys don't normally believe I'd be able to because of my small size.

In chapter one Monday night we wrote down 5 things that we LOVE about our body. LOVE. Not nit-picking. Not picking apart. What do you LOVE about your body.  This vessel that protects your thoughts, emotions, and soul.

So as such, what do I LOVE about my body tonight?
1. I love the way my legs look in my red high heels.
2. I love that I can do 50 REAL push ups in a minute with my arms.
3. I love how little my hands are. They're cute.
4. I love being short; I can date men of all heights.
5. I love that I have a skull to protect my brain and my ideas & a rib cage to help protect my heart.

What do you love about your body? What do you love about yourself?

Take the Fat Talk Free Week Challenge with Tri Deltas and other college women all over the country.  This week, do not say a negative thing about your body or your shape. Take pride in the way you look. Love your body and yourself. Do not wish that you could change this or that about your body. You're beautiful the way that God made you. You have to look in the mirror every morning and tell yourself so.

If you aren't convinced, think on this: Have you ever gotten naked with a man, who made you put your clothes back on because you didn't have a body like a Victoria's Secret model? He was probably thinking he just scored majorly because he had a naked girl in a room with him.

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