I received a text from my ex-fiance, Maj last night: "Did you get back in?"
Maj was referring to my attempt to re-enroll in grad school after he had, 2 days previous, convinced me to withdraw from the semester so that after our October 2nd wedding I could move to North Carolina to be with him.
When I did respond that I had in fact been able to work the whole grad school issue out, he replied with: "Good I'm really relieved."
You're really relieved?! Well, good, that was my hope. I'm glad that you are relieved that while you may have hurt me, you did not in fact get in the way of me wasting the entire fall semester. I'm glad that your guilt ridden conscious can be satisfied in knowing that you didn't mess up my education any further.
This was not about you. This was about me & my education & my future.
Had you wanted to reply a better response could have been: "Good. I know how much your education means to you." "Great to hear! Happy for you!"
Next time, relieve yourself elsewhere.
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