Saturday, November 6, 2010

Burn Book

Things NOT to Say. Sometimes if you don't have anything nice to say, you shouldn't say anything at all.

Boy to Girl he is dating: "You're a communist. I think Democrats are pure evil."    Yeah, that will get you to the next date. Maybe you should have saved that comment until she got to eat her dessert.

Elections make people angry, ready to fling nasty words across the divide.  Although I am a history major, I hate talking about elections. I understand that they help to decide the path the nation takes, but I hate them. They are typically nasty.  Sometimes, particuarly, in recent elections, I have trouble seeing where the candidates stand on the issues when they are only worried about mud slinging with their opponent.  What is this, kindergarten? Boys will be boys, but this is getting to be too much!

Digging up dirt isn't my favorite either. Its like they missed out in highschool. Or they were the ones who the Burn Book dised back in the good ol' days. Now its time for them to get back...well at least they are getting "back" at someone.

How the date continued...

Boy: "You're a communist."
Girl: "No I have more socialistic ideals that I think should be worked into our government."
Boy, nonchalantly: "So you are a communist."
Girl, enraged: "Open a freaking textbook and compare the definitions! Socialist and communists are not the same thing!!!!"
Boy, pompously: "I have and they are the same thing. I think I know more about politics then you do. I educate myself and read about this stuff all the time."
Girl: "I highly doubt that. I don't even think you know how to read if that's what you think the definitions are."
Boy: "And you would know? You went to college, that's it. Every one knows that colleges are the most liberal communities in the country."
Girl: "What did all those Republicans do with their youth?! Pretty sure they went to colleges in this country. How did they make it out alive then, without being turned into evil liberal-minded individuals."
Boy: "They went to private institutions."
Girl: "Check, please!"

Wow. Apparently dating has become just as mudslinging as recent elections.  And this blog is the Burn Book.

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