Tuesday, November 23, 2010

On My Highway

There is an all too familiar saying that states that "everything happens for a reason." It is followed by a statement that declares, "sometimes something good has to fall apart, so that something better can fall together."

While I do occasionally subscribe to the fact that better things can fall together after something falls apart, I often have time believing that everything happens for a reason.  Mostly it is hard to believe that line because then I am searching for a reason why my dreams did not work out. An obvious sign that says, "well if that would have happened, this couldn't have." Oftentimes it is too hard to see that clear cut event.

However, for once, I see that "everything happens for a reason."

If I had still been with Maj, dating or married, these last 8 weeks or so would not occurred.  At least, not the way in which they did.

I have been out on the highway for the last several weekends.  I have traveled to cities that I have only ever really read or heard about. I have been able to see my best friends, who I haven't seen in months. I have gone to 2 amazing concerts that have helped healed my heart with passion, excitement, and adventure.

If Maj and I had been together I would have been spending my weekends in Fayetteville. I wouldn't have been able to go to my college's homecoming weekend with friends, gone to the Luke Bryan concert in Carrollton, rock the dance floor on Broadway St. in Nashville with Kristen, or randomly take a drive down to Gatlinburg. 

In a way he was limiting my experiences and adventures.  I just didn't realize it until I was forced to go alone on my highway.

Maybe things do happen for a reason...

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