I've already mentioned Fat Talk Free Week, which was established by Delta Delta Delta in 2008. Only 2 years, but this past October 35 college campuses took part in the Reflections program, to help women recognize that they need to love and be proud of their bodies.
Why is this so important?
Because as an educator I hear young girls in the hallway, as young as 7th grade, talking about how they don't like this or that about their bodies. In 7th grade girls should not be worried about how they look to boys. They should be worried about their homework, playing a sport, what movie they are going to watch with their friends that weekend, and understanding what a healthy life style means.
What it definitely does not mean is only salads for every meal a month before spring break. It does not mean spending 3+ hours at the gym every day in order to get slim.
Ladies, we need to be health conscious, not weight and size conscious! Do I eat my 5 required fruits and veggies everyday? Am I taking a multivitamin for women? Am I getting enough calcium? Is my heart healthy? These are things we should be concerned about when we are younger.
We need to be conscious of how we are taking care of our bodies, and only after full examination, decided whether or not that 21hour gym week is actually necessary to our over all health; mentally and physically.
Until then, Tri Delta to the rescue. Good thing Deltas look good in Sara Blakely's Spanx.
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