On October 2, the Vols played LSU. The LSU Tigers marched down the field in an attempt to beat the Orange and White. There were only a few seconds left on the clock, LSU had to snap the ball to even have a shot at winning. They did, and their play collapsed around them.
Victory! Victory was Tennessee's!!! They beat the 12th ranked LSU Tigers!! Yay!!!
Eh, not so much. Although time had expired and players were shaking hands, there was a flag on the play. Tennessee had to stop celebrating and LSU had to stop being completely frustrated.
It turns out Tennessee's defense had gotten a bit discombobulated and rushed to get on the field, leading the Vols to have 13 men out there [rather than the 11 that rules allow for]. This gave LSU another chance. It gave LSU time on the clock for another shot at a play. This time LSU delivered and the outcome of the game changed just-like-that.
This is why I fell in love with Tennessee. They were so close to winning, but it was just snapped out of their hands. I guess I could relate to them back then. I had been so close to having my happy ending, but then, just-like-that, it was gone. Doesn't mean I won't be fortunate to have a different, or even better happy ending. It simply means the one I thought I was going to have at that point in time, was quickly taken from me.
In fact, I have a feeling that it will turn out just as good for me as it did for Tennessee. Although, the Vols lost all of their games in the month of October, they came together, and won all of their games during November, ending the regular season with a 6-6 record. And they qualified for a bowl game.
Maybe they didn't win against LSU. But the season ended better than they thought it would have back in October.
It's through Tennessee that I see hope. Hope for a new happy ending.
Associated Press |
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